Ella C Tucker

&The Rest


2020 - 2021

ectert is a CPU raytracer, based on James Buck's The Ray Tracer Challenge. It's written in C++, and has features including Blinn-Phong lighting, shadows, reflection, refraction and anti-aliasing. It also has a very naive implementation of multi-bounce indirect lighting.

ectert isn't the most advanced renderer, but it sparked my interest in graphics programming, specifically lighting. It was also my first foray into C++, which has since become one of my main languages.

Here's a couple of my favorite renders from ectert:

3D rendering of a hollow glass sphere bending light from a vertically striped background

3D rendering of a teapot

Model credit University of Utah.

I've poked a couple times at porting ectert to Vulkan or adding a visual editor. This hasn't really panned out, and I've generally moved on to projects implementing more specific techniques.